Happy Endometriosis Awareness Month!
It's the best time of year. Okay, maybe that's a tiny bit of a stretch, but it's certainly up there! What could be better than seeing people across the world celebrate endometriosis awareness?
This illness is challenging for so many reasons, but feeling isolated can be particularly overwhelming. Often we are the only person in our circle with endo, and we find ourselves having to advocate in every setting, including the doctor's office. Endometriosis Awareness Month is the chance to grow our support networks, share information, and be open about the battle we fight every day.
Endometriosis Awareness Month looks a bit different in 2021, but the virtual world doesn't change our ability to meet others and attend events. Here's a list of virtual events and celebrations happening across the world. If you know of any others, don't hesitate to reach out to writers@endofound.org with a link to the event so we can add it to the calendar!
February 28-March 7:
Oregon Endometriosis Awareness Week: Be sure to drive past the Woodburn Outlets on I-5 this week to check out the Woodburn Bridge lit up for Endometriosis Awareness Month through the 6! Share your best pictures on Instagram with the hashtag #oregonendo and enjoy Oregon's first official Endometriosis Awareness Day on March 7.
March (all month):
Jacksonville Business Connection's Virtual End Endo 5K: Why not get out on a sunny day to participate in Jacksonville Business Connection's 3rd Annual End Endo 5K? All you just have to do is sign up here and follow the next steps! This 5K is for you to complete on your own time, and you can walk or run.
March 1-14:
EndoFound's Mind, Body, & Soul Wellness Challenge: This interactive activity helps you stay on track with your self-care! To join, download the Kilter app and complete daily wellness activities. You even donate and help fundraise during the challenge, too! Click the link above for instructions on how to participate and for information about the prizes.
March 1-15:
The Yellow Mask Challenge: The Yellow Cape, Delaware's Endo Community, is encouraging people across the country and world to show their support for endo awareness by sporting a yellow mask. If you want to participate, buy or make yourself a yellow mask and use the hashtags #yellowmaskchallenge and #theyellowcape to show your support!
March 2:
What's Next for Endometriosis Care in the UK?: This virtual discussion about endometriosis in the United Kingdom is sure to be an informative one. The All-Party-Parliamentary Group (APPG) on endometriosis released a report in October with updated recommendations for endometriosis care, so this is a presentation you don't want to miss!
March 5-7:
The Endometriosis Summit: This informative 3-day conference features a town hall, smaller workshop discussions with providers and patients, and even live surgery that both patients and providers can watch.
March 6:
Light Up the Night for Endometriosis: Three iconic attractions in Ontario will be lit up in yellow! The CN Tower, Toronto; Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls and the Civic Centre clock tower, Mississauga will all bring awareness this year. You can also participate in virtual events all day by signing up at the link above.
March 6-10:
14th World Conference on Endometriosis (worldwide): This renowned scientific-centric conference features the latest research on endometriosis from experts around the world.
March 9:
Exploring Endometriosis Myths: QENDO Head of Operations, Isabella Gosling, will lead this free virtual event exploring the pervasive myths about endometriosis. According to the event description, "QENDO’s podcast, Let’s Talk, Period. is hosted by Isabella and each week she smashes stigmas and taboos relating to periods, endo, adeno and PCOS, as well as speaking with influential people in the women’s health sphere." Get ready for these topics—and to meet some Aussie endo friends!
March 11:
Endometriosis UK's What Can Employers Do to Support People with Endometriosis at Work?: This panel discussion will cover the challenges associated with working with endometriosis in the UK. Speakers include Endometriosis UK, Shazia Ginai, CEO of Neuro-Insight, Kathryn Pinner from Standard Life Aberdeen, and Inspector Lisa Leddar from Merseyside Police. You can register here.
March 12-14:
Trinidad and Tobago Endometriosis Association's Webinars on Endometriosis: TTEA is offering three webinar sessions: one for patients, one for teens, and one for nurses. The patient program begins on March 13 and will focus on the theme, 'Beyond Period Pain: A Healthier, Happier Me.' Local and international experts will focus on treating endo holistically. Join folks from around the world at this event and get your burning questions answered. Details on the teen and nurse webinars will be coming to their website soon!
March 15-31:
EndoFound's March Into Awareness: This is EndoFound's video challenge to squash the silence when it comes to this disease. To participate, film and share a short video answering the prompt, "Tell me you have endometriosis without telling me you have endometriosis." Click the link above for full details on the challenge.
March 16:
- MyEndometriosisTeam is hosting an online Zoom social: This is a great opportunity to meet other people who have endometriosis, ask questions, and share your experiences living with the condition.
March 19-21:
EndoBlack's Our Table Conference (United States): This conference aims to continue EndoBlack's dedication to, "Providing opportunities for dialogue on women’s reproductive health, health equity, motherhood, endo sisters in business, and overall the self advocacy of African American women and women of color taking Endometriosis head-on." Panel topics range from healthy equity to motherhood to business and there will be a presentation on the 21 on the impact of endometriosis on the Black community.
March 19-21:
EndoFound's International Patient Conference (worldwide): The virtual conference will be offered in several different time zones and will include panels by experts in fields ranging from extrapelvic endometriosis and fertility to mental health and nutrition. Patient Day was created for and inspired by endometriosis patients and we invite you to share this day with your loved ones and support network.
March 20-21:
ISGE's VirtualEndo24: The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy's conference will be full of up-to-date medical information and presentations from experts around the world. EndoFound is hosting a simultaneous Virtual Patient Conference in conjunction with ISGE on March 19-21 (see above).
March 27:
Virtual EndoMarch Canada (Canada): EndoNetwork's virtual event features 10 speakers as well as the opportunity to post a photo with the hashtag #VirtualEndoMarchCanada to share your personal experiences and who you're marching for.