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Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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March 9: Q&A with Panel & Closing Remarks

March 9: Q&A with Panel &  Closing Remarks

March 9: Q&A with Panel & Closing Remarks

Endometriosis Foundation of America
Medical Conference 2019
Targeting Inflammation:
From Biomarkers to Precision Surgery
March 8-9, 2019 - Lenox Hill Hospital, NYC

Speaker 1:
Well, I guess we made it. We made it. Thank you for your perseverance. This is a record number of people staying until this late. I thank you from the depth of my heart. Sincerely, I owe you, and let's take this opportunity to thank all the endometriosis patients we have interacted through our lives that made us try to do better, and I appreciate your input, the scientist, the surgeons, the public. How nice it is to be here with a united team of a keyword that is inflammation.I hope that that will integrate and unite us, not detach us, but attach us, David.

Speaker 1:
David Redwines input was tremendous. He brought humor, his strong personality. For all those things he has affected through his writings, through his technique, I am sure I also want to thank him for the things that I have changed in my practice, reading his material. I've never seen him operate, but I don't have to. We see him operate in the podium. He does not leave his post until his last drop of blood. Thank you, David.

Speaker 1:
Thank you, Dr. Dan Martin, helping us to arrange this program. Thank you, Dr. Keith Isaacson, staying this late, coming so far away. I appreciate, coming from Boston. Certainly Horace Roman, he's not here. He had to buy some gifts to his daughter, so we excused him.

Speaker 1:
Certainly Mark [Passover 00:02:09]. I think, today in America there was a history in laparoscopic surgery, where I'm not sure if he ever gave this talk in New York before, but we are proud and humble to have him here. I think whatever he presented today was hair-rising, so excited for him as an endometriosis surgeon, have done so many procedure, has so many complications in my life. For me, it is an incredible experience to watch you. I think that gave us a lot of courage, also for patients force cyanic endometriosis, which very few people go to that tiger land. It's an area that you hate to even get close for some.

Speaker 1:
If I forgot anybody name ... Dr. [Sherakonta 00:03:01], thank you so much, and my wonderful panel, my colleagues, my department, Dr. Gene Malala.

Speaker 1:
I appreciate the support of Northwell System, how they see our activity as positive to overall activity in Northwell. I hope we will start some sort of a first endometriosis fellowship together in this hospital. We will achieve that. We have enough cases for that.

Speaker 1:
So that concludes, it's a painful, but in a way, very successful, I think program we had. We hope to see you Monday. There will be a direct transmission from Italy, Dr Mario Malzone. Unfortunately, he couldn't do this during this program, due to his ski schedule. But this crowd, some of you will be here early Monday morning, 8:00 o'clock, will be here. At least 30 people have registered for that. That's is great, despite all this.

Speaker 1:
Tomorrow we have a patient day. Some of you will be there. I appreciate it.

Speaker 1:
Thank you. Much love to you. Have a great day.