As March is the month raising awareness on 'Endometriosis Awareness' around the world, it seems fitting that before the month closes we at OnlineClinic take a look at a condition that affects thousands of women. With notable celebrities such as 'Girls' star Lena Dunman openly bringing attention to the condition, from which she personally has the first-hand experience with, the spotlight has firmly been on Endometriosis.
Although Endometriosis continues to affect millions of women worldwide, the resources available about the condition, still does not reflect this. Which is why to coincide with Endometriosis Awareness Month, OnlineClinic have created the 'Top Endometriosis Health Awards of 2016'. OnlineClinic believe that the work done by a number of advocates/spokespeople, should get the recognition they deserve, which is why we have decided to award accolades to blogs, websites and charities we believe have helped to educate, support and empower women, learning to live with the condition every day.
What is Endometriosis?
Affecting approximately 1.5 million in the UK alone, Endometriosis is a chronic condition that can not only cause painful or unusually heavy periods, but can also lead to problems with fertility and a decrease in energy levels. A woman with endometriosis will experience tissues, which acts like the lining of the womb, outside of the womb. Usually, these tissues are found on the ovaries, on the lining of the pelvis or on the top of he vagina. They can also be found in a number of different places too.
Below is our pick of the top endometriosis resources out there for women today.
World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF)
World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) is the global charity, which fosters research into endometriosis to improve knowledge and treatment(s). Their aim is to live in a world where no woman is crippled by endometriosis or unable to have children due to the disease and where endometriosis can be prevented. OnlineClinic couldn't agree more.
Endometriosis.org are cited as the global platform – linking all stakeholders to endometriosis, whether it be women with endometriosis, scientists, physicians, and those interested in learning about the condition. As a result this great site, delivers up to date, evidence based, information and news – all related to endometriosis.
UpToDate® is an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource. With more than 6,300 world-renowned physician authors, editors, and peer reviewers providing the most thorough medical information, ensuring their content provides patients with the most up-date and medically accurate information for patient support.
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic are a non profit organisation, multi-specialty academic medical center, that successfully integrate clinical and hospital care with research and education. Their mission is simple. To provide better care of the sick, examine their problems and help to inform and educate those who serve.
The Endometriosis Foundation of America
The Endometriosis Foundation of America is one America's leading sources of medical guidance. From the science of the condition to events that help shed light and bring awareness to endometriosis – their aim is inform both the medical community and the public on the endometriosis, while emphasising the importance of an early diagnosis.
OnlineClinic would like to say a big congratulations to all awardees for leading the campaigns to promote endometriosis awareness
Source: http://www.onlineclinic.co.uk/blog/personal-health/endometriosis-health-awards.html#comment