Participating in clinical research trials for endometriosis can critically help the future of endometriosis care, and at EndoFound, we're dedicated to sharing IRB-approved trials that you can join. This week, we're excited to share a clincial trial studying whether an existing non-hormonal medication is effective for controlling pain and symptoms of endometriosis.
Dr. Amy DiVasta at the Boston Children’s Hospital is studying the response of ongoing pain after treatment of endometriosis with cabergoline, a medication commonly used for hormonal imbalances in women of reproductive age. Cabergoline may be useful in decreasing new blood vessel growth in endometriosis.
The NOTE-2 (Novel Treatments for Endometriosis) Study is a 6-month clinical trial and is currently being offered within the Boston Center for Endometriosis. The study is looking for females who are 15-40 years old, have surgically-confirmed endometriosis, are experiencing chronic pain due to endometriosis, and are using hormonal treatment for endometriosis, such as birth control pills, norethindrone acetate, or a hormonal intrauterine device (IUD). The research team will be comparing this study's medication to a placebo pill (a sugar pill).
Participants are asked to:
- Take a study medication twice a week for six months. Participants will be randomized (chosen by a flip of a coin) to either receive cabergoline (the study medication) or a placebo pill (a sugar pill) for 6 months.
- Make 3 visits to the Experimental Therapeutics Unit (ETU) at Boston Children’s Hospital for the research study over 6 months
- Give blood and urine samples and have vital signs measured at each visit
- Complete questionnaires about your physical and emotional health at each visit
- Have an ultrasound of a blood vessel and sensory testing performed at each visit
- Complete a daily symptom diary in the form of an online survey
Participants will receive up to $225 in gift cards as a thank you for participating, as well as free parking or MBTA vouchers for each research visit.
Principal Investigator is Dr. Amy DiVasta
For more information and to see if you are eligible, please contact the study team:
617-355-2212 │ bce@childrens.harvard.edu
For more information on participating in the NOTE-2 study, please visit this page. For further information on the research being conducted, please see here.
Please Note: The Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound) provides information regarding research studies sponsored or funded by a broad range of public and private organizations around the world. Information on EndoFound.org's website is provided by study sponsors and investigators, and they are responsible for ensuring that the studies follow all applicable laws and regulations. Choosing to participate in a study is an important personal decision. Before you participate in a study, know the risks and potential benefits and discuss all options with your health care provider and other trusted advisors.