Dear %Subscriber:CustomField1%,
We hope you are feeling physically and emotionally well in this week of reflection, action, and education. Thank you to the many endo warriors who have used their voices and platforms to acknowledge the racial and ethnic disparities in women’s health. The work you are doing is critical to the advancement of endometriosis care, a disease that is often met with silence, discrimination, and taboo.
Endometriosis is vastly under-funded and continues to be an incredibly difficult disease to diagnose and treat. Black, Indigenous, and PoC individuals with endo face these barriers to receiving proper diagnosis and treatment in higher numbers—and addressing this is the first of many steps towards change in the medical community.
Thank you, again, to our endo community, a community made up of brave, compassionate, and resilient warriors. We are here to support you, to advocate for you, and to amplify your story.
In community, Margaret Cianci
Executive Director, EndoFound