Artwork: “Endometriosis Anatomy” by Jenna Wiebe of Duvet Days. |
Closing Out Endo Awareness Month |
We hope you’re doing well as we close out Endometriosis Awareness Month and enter April. It has been an unprecedented and challenging time for all of us, but especially for those with endometriosis.
As we find our way in these difficult times, we must reach out and continue to support one another. New communities will spring up, and ideas will emerge that will keep us together and looking to the future.
The Blossom Newsletter is EndoFound's patient community platform for us to share the news with you. Many of you have reached out and asked for more information on research, legislation, education, health and wellness, and so much more. We've been gathering information and updates from the endo community for April, and we will be sharing it with you on our social media, website, emails, and on our new webinar series starting Sunday (4/5). The times are changing, but today and for many days to come, we are one.
All my best,
Margaret Cianci
Executive Director, EndoFound
Thank you to everyone across the country who has fundraised in support of endometriosis! We can't do all the work we do without your help. From birthday fundraisers to running 5Ks, you make it happen. To set up a fundraiser, please visit our Everyday Hero page or set up your fundraiser on Facebook.
Join us as we launch our new EndoFound Webinar series hosted by veteran journalists Sabrina Korber and Dina Gusovky. This Sunday, Korber and Dr. Tamer Seckin, Cofounder of EndoFound, will discuss the latest information on endometriosis and COVID-19. The series will be every two weeks on Sunday at 2 pm (EST) and include interviews followed by a Q & A. We thank both hosts for donating their time and look forward to a wide variety of exciting guests and great conversations. Click here to register.
In Endo Stories, Elizabeth Hurley bravely tells the story of her decade-long misdiagnosis of endometriosis. Elizabeth’s pain started when she was 14 years-old. Ten years later, after having lost an ovary and being consistently dismissed by the medical community, she received her diagnosis of endo. On receiving her diagnosis, Elizabeth writes, “being able to put words to the pain was the best gift I’ve ever received.”
Read Elizabeth’s full story here. And remember, you too can share your story. We need your voices now more than ever. Either visit this page for further details, or email writers@endofound.org.
Last Saturday, March 28th, The Worldwide EndoMarch took place online as a webinar. Thank you to everyone who participated, and to Dr. Camran Nezhat, Dr. Farr Nezhat, and Dr. Ceana Nezhat for organizing such a powerful event. We are inspired and excited to have closed out Endo Awareness Month as a community.
Eleanor Thom is a comedian, writer, and author of Private Parts: How To Really Live With Endometriosis. In a recent article in the Huffington Post, “Endometriosis Means I’ve Been On ‘Lockdown’ For 23 Years. Here’s My Advice On Staying Positive,” Thom shares how endometriosis prepared her for isolation during this time of quarantine.
As an endo patient, Thom writes that she has “learnt tricks galore to manage mental health and perfected the art of what one does during house arrest.” From exercising to craft-making, she shares every tip on how to stay positive and cope during this uncertain time. “My biggest advice,” she writes, “is to try to look for the good bits."
EndoFound's Her Fight is My Fight t-shirt is for sale for those of you supporting a loved one with endo. We've extended our t-shirt fundraiser until April 20th. To learn more or to purchase a shirt please visit this page.
The ENPOWR (ENdometriosis: Promoting Outreach and Wide Recognition) Project, EndoFound's school- and community-based education program, is about to enter its sixth year! Educating over 35,500 students worldwide, ENPOWR's Endo EduKit relies on volunteers to bring our endometriosis lesson into local classrooms. Check out our ENPOWR Map to see where we've been! Don't see your hometown? Apply to be a volunteer endo educator and bring this critical endometriosis education to the students in your neighborhood. |
The Endometriosis Foundation of America has two urgent goals -- to spread awareness about endometriosis and to find better options for diagnosing and treating the disease. Honor someone in your life who has been touched by endometriosis by donating today! Your donation funds an aggressive agenda including educating youth through our ENPOWR™ (ENdometriosis: Promoting Outreach and Wide Recognition) program, funding landmark endometriosis research, and educating medical professionals. You can make a general donation, a matching grant, a tribute, support a Team Endo Marathon runner or EveryDayHero fundraiser. The Endometriosis Foundation of America is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, tax-exempt organization designated by the Internal Revenue Code. |
Follow the EndoFound on social media and be the first to hear about new research, program updates, or different ways to get involved. Our platforms provide a safe and supportive environment to connect people from around the world. Please visit our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and give us any feedback you may have by commenting on our posts or direct messaging us!
Endometriosis Foundation of America 872 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10065 Phone: +1 212-988-4160 - endofound.org |
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Disclaimer: The information contained on the Endometriosis Foundation of America ("EndoFound") web site and social media is provided for your general information only. EndoFound does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine. The EndoFound under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases recommends that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.
References to any entity, product, service, or source of information not related to the EndoFound in this site should not be considered an endorsement, either direct or implied, by the Endometriosis Foundation of America. The EndoFound does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be provided on any linked web sites. The linked web sites may contain text, graphics, images or information that you find offensive. EndoFound has no control over and accepts no responsibility for such materials.
We hope that you find endofound.org useful in providing information and in helping you make your own health care decisions.