Endometriosis Foundation of America: ​An Online Patient Community
The Reoperative Endo Q&A is this weekend!

Join endometriosis experts including Dr. Tamer Seckin, Dr. Harry Reich, Dr. Dan Martin, Dr. Togas Tulandi, Dr. Ie-Ming Shih, Dr. Marc Possover, Dr. Philippe Koninckx, Dr. Errico Zupi, Dr. Farr Nezhat, Dr. Shaheen Khazali, Dr. Ted Lee, Dr. Jon Einarsson, Dr. Pinar Kodaman, Dr. Tomer Singer, and Dr. Liselotte Mettler for Q&A sessions on January 16 & 17, 2021, at 11AM EST as they answer questions from the audience about reoperative endometriosis, surgery, fertility, cancer, and more. You can ask questions through this form or live during the event. Be sure to watch their pre-recorded presentations to prepare for the live Q&A and check out the weekend’s full schedule here!

Explore the Digital Conference
The Gold Standard for Excision Surgery
Endofound CHarity Stream

Haven’t watched the 2020 Medical Conference? Check out the summaries of each presentation on EndoNews in preparation for the live Q&A this weekend. Dr. Arnaud Wattiez’s keynote addresses the gold standard for endometriosis treatment: excision surgery. Have questions for Dr. Wattiez? Tune into the live Q&A this weekend!

Excision without Mutilation: It’s Possible
Gamers for EndoFound

Last Friday, JamieVoiceOver and MiaByte co-hosted and live-streamed Hades on Twitch to benefit EndoFound. They were joined by endo warrior and voice actress Jamie Landrum and raised nearly $600! Thank you to everyone who joined for your generous support and advocacy.

Check out the Livestream
EndoTV with Diana Falzone Premieres 1/26

EndoTV's debut show, "Let's Talk...Period," has a guest list of today's most respected health clinicians, researchers, authors, advocates, patients, and lawmakers. Subscribe today for our first episode on January 26th!

Subscribe Today
Calling all Writers!

Are you a writer interested in covering stories on endometriosis, women's healthcare, and/or chronic illness? Come write for EndoFound's online publication, The Blossom! We pay our writers and are looking for pieces that cover a range of topics, from scientific news about endometriosis to personal essays on managing chronic illness. To apply to be a contributing writer, please email writers@endofound.org three clips, one pitch, and a few sentences on why you're interested in endometriosis or women's healthcare.

Save the Date!

On Saturday March 20th at 10AM EST, we’re thrilled to be organizing a four-hour patient channel for the International Society for Gynecology Endoscopy (ISGE)’s annual medical conference. Stay tuned for more details!

It's now easier than ever to support endometriosis programs and research. Whether you shop at the new EndoFound Shop or one of our partners, place your order through Amazon Smile, or donate to EndoFound the next time you check out through PayPal. Your support changes the lives of individuals with endometriosis.

Follow the EndoFound on social media and be the first to hear about new research, program updates, or different ways to get involved. Our platforms provide a safe and supportive environment to connect people from around the world. Please visit our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and give us any feedback you may have by commenting on our posts or direct messaging us!

Endometriosis Foundation of America - 872 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10065
Phone: +1 646.854.3309 - endofound.org

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Disclaimer: The information contained on the Endometriosis Foundation of America ("EndoFound") web site and social media is provided for your general information only. EndoFound does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine. The EndoFound under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases recommends that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.

References to any entity, product, service, or source of information not related to the EndoFound in this site should not be considered an endorsement, either direct or implied, by the Endometriosis Foundation of America. The EndoFound does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be provided on any linked web sites. The linked web sites may contain text, graphics, images or information that you find offensive. EndoFound has no control over and accepts no responsibility for such materials.

We hope that you find endofound.org useful in providing information and in helping you make your own health care decisions.