Endometriosis Foundation of America: ​An Online Patient Community
On Roe v. Wade & Reproductive Healthcare

The Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound) joins many organizations, including ACOG and ASRM, in denouncing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Core to our mission has been addressing health inequities and helping women access safe and effective health care. Regardless of one’s personal views on abortion, it is an essential part of reproductive health care. History has shown that when access to safe medical procedures is restricted, it leads to harmful and potentially tragic outcomes. This resonates with those of us who have dedicated our lives to advocating for better endometriosis awareness and care, as so many people with this disease go misdiagnosed and mistreated for many years in large part because the disease often impacts their reproductive organs. Safe reproductive care is a woman’s right, her choice, and her choice alone. Stay tuned for a special conversation with medical experts and endometriosis specialists on how this decision can affect endometriosis care.

Mark Your Calendars! Medical Conference & Patient Day on the Horizon

Mark your calendars for EndoFound’s signature events planned for 2022 and into 2023. On November 12 & 13, we’re thrilled to be holding our 14th annual medical conference (this time, hopefully, in person and at the Apella Center in New York City!). The medical conference brings together the leading endometriosis experts to discuss cutting-edge endometriosis research, treatments, and advances around the world. We’re planning ahead for 2023, too: On March 18th and 19th, we’ll be hosting both Patient Day & our 15th Medical Conference. To view previous Patient Days and Medical Conferences, including our most recent virtual events, please visit this link.

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Fighting Period Poverty in Wyoming 

WYPEP is a University of Wyoming-based student-led organization whose purpose is to increase awareness of period poverty in the greater Laramie, WY region, while also decreasing stigma around menstruation and issues affecting equity for those who have periods. This week on EndoTV, we connected with Dr. Tracey Haas and members of WYPEP to talk more about their work in increaasing access to menstrual hygiene products. 

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Managing Anxiety Pre-Surgery: Kelly Jones’ Endo Story
Endofound Article

It wasn’t until Kelly Jones shared her story in the Pharmacist Moms Group (PhMG) that she was finally on the path towards an answer to her pain. That was in 2021, and now she’s one month into recovery. “That evening after my surgery, I’d broke down in tears of joy to my husband because I not only finally had an official diagnosis, but also because I’d learned that my fertility was not impacted. I fully came to the realization that I wasn’t crazy or making this pain up, a feeling I’d been made to feel for the past few years.”

Kelly's Story

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Disclaimer: The information contained on the Endometriosis Foundation of America ("EndoFound") web site and social media is provided for your general information only. EndoFound does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine. The EndoFound under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases recommends that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.

References to any entity, product, service, or source of information not related to the EndoFound in this site should not be considered an endorsement, either direct or implied, by the Endometriosis Foundation of America. The EndoFound does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be provided on any linked web sites. The linked web sites may contain text, graphics, images or information that you find offensive. EndoFound has no control over and accepts no responsibility for such materials.

We hope that you find endofound.org useful in providing information and in helping you make your own health care decisions.