Dear %Subscriber:CustomField1%,
As our community knows too well, endometriosis treatment and support is vastly under-funded and it continues to be an incredibly difficult disease to diagnose and treat. People of color face these barriers in higher numbers and are often told that endometriosis is solely a “white woman’s disease.”
We’ve launched The Endometriosis Resource Portal for People of Color in an attempt to change this false narrative. Thank you to Kyla Canzater, Lauren Kornegay, Samantha Denäe, Kanwal Ojha, and Dr. Soyini Hawkins for sharing your diagnostic journeys, tips for managing symptoms, pursuing proper treatment, and advocating for yourself as a person of color with endometriosis. I encourage you to use these videos in conjunction with the Resource Sheet for Endometriosis Patients of Color to arm yourself with as much information and support as you need to receive proper diagnosis, management tools, and treatment. If you’re a person of color with endometriosis and would like to share your story on this portal, please email info@endofound.org.
At EndoFound, we’re also delighted to share that Diana Falzone, a journalist with Vanity Fair, Vice Media, and The Daily Beast, has joined us as the director of media relations and advocacy. Welcome, Diana!
In community,

Margaret Caspler Cianci Executive Director, EndoFound